Are You Introverted or Extroverted?

Hello! Welcome to "Are You Introverted or Extroverted?" where, based on your quiz results, we decide whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. If you've been constantly asking yourself this simple question, this is the perfect quiz for you!

Keep in mind, with just a few answers that might even be inaccurate, your result may not be quite as accurate as you'd like it to be. We will do the best we can to give you top-quality results, but there is no guarantee. Additionally, if you are unhappy with your result, we apologize and also want to remind you that your result may not even be accurate. This is all fun and games. :)

Created by: Me Myself and I
  1. What is your gender identity?
  2. What is your sexual alignment?
  3. I often feel nervous or uncomfortable in the presence of other people.
  4. I start conversations.
  5. Being around other people gives me energy.
  6. I am hard to get to know.
  7. I have little to say.
  8. I am approachable.
  9. I find it difficult to make friends.
  10. Being alone causes me to feel bored or lonely.
  11. I am reflective.
  12. During tests, I need it to be quiet for me to be able to succeed.
  13. I have a diary and/or journal that I use to reflect on my day.
  14. I prefer to work in groups to get work done more quickly.
  15. After going to a, say, professional soccer/hockey/basketball/football game, I am still excited and upbeat.
  16. During school (or when you were in school), I raise my hand frequently.
  17. I have a large friend group.
  18. At school/in public settings, are you more...
  19. Why are you taking this quiz?
  20. How would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Introverted or Extroverted?
