Which one are you? (9 results)

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Which one of these people are you? Are you protective like Cyrus, or gentle like Emmett? Are you introverted like Rowan, or extroverted like Echo? Are strict like Aspen or carefree like Sky? Take this quiz to find out!

Plurality is a lot of fun lmao - 9/13+! 9 total results, including: Rosie, Eddie, Echo, Aspen, Cyrus, Rowan, Sky, Venus, and Emmett. Each of these have their own personalities that make them seperate and distinct. Which one are you most like?

Created by: deleted user
  1. What is your favorite color? (Or closest to it)
  2. Pick an animal!
  3. Introvert - Extrovert spectrum?
  4. Warm or cold? Trust your instinct.
  5. Day or night?
  6. Pick an aesthetic! Google it if you don't know. (I'm using the "-cores" for aesthetics due to the subcultures not being only aesthetic-focused)
  7. Pick an accessory/addition to an outfit
  8. Pick a descriptive word
  9. Which part of this spectrum are you on maturity-wise?
  10. Finally, which one do you think you relate with based on name alone? (DOES effect your score, though very little)

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Quiz topic: Which one am I? (9 results)
