Which WoF Human Are You?

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This quiz will tell you which of the humans in the book DragonSlayer you are most like. It has questions like "What is your favorite subject?" and "What do you do as a hobby?"

Because the quiz-maker doesn't allow more than 10 results, I couldn't put all the characters in, but for results I do have Wren, Leaf, Ivy, Violet, Daffodil, Rowan, Trout, Undauntable, Cranberry, and Rose. The images that come with the results are just pictures of the thing they're named after. As a warning, there are 1-2 results that don't have the best personalities, but I only added them to make the quiz more interesting. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Turtle Girl
  1. First of all, is there one character you like in particular?
  2. Is there one character you like in particular? (continued)
  3. What of these is your favorite subject?
  4. What is your favorite hobby?
  5. You are...
  6. Do you like reading?
  7. Do you like being active?
  8. What would you do if you were captured by dragons and put in a dragon's snack box full of animals?
  9. What would you do if it turned out your dad, who happened to be the mayor of your underground town, had lied about killing a dragon and was arresting all your friends, planning to execute them, and MIGHT do the same to you?
  10. Part A) What would you do if your village decided to sacrifice you to the dragons because they thought you were annoying, but you managed to get free from the ropes?
  11. Part B) Supposing you chose to get as far away from the village as possible. You start sneaking away, but hear a noise in the bushes by the river. When looking closely, you discover it is a baby dragon, caught in the bush and shivering from the coldness of the river. What do you do?
  12. How much do you like dragons?
  13. The End.

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Quiz topic: Which WoF Human am I?

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