Would i smash or pass you >:3

heya i made this quiz out boredom and is my first one so there could be some mistakes aswell but i hope you will enjoy the quiz tho. also sorry bout my grammar

don't take this quiz personality if you will got something bad i didn't really mean it:) (i did mean it) so have good day/night and stay healthy and happy pal <:3

Created by: Kikk
  1. Are you boy or a girl?
  2. cat or dogs?
  3. which would describe you the most?
  4. Your age?🤨
  5. you got daddy issues?
  6. your hair color :)
  7. do you ship Bakugo and Izuku? (mha)
  8. Winter or summer?
  9. are you enjoying this quiz? (won't affect results
  10. would you buy me kitty? 🤨

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