Which person are you in Phasmophobia?

!!! THIS QUIZ ISN'T ACCURATE !!! It may have grammar mistakes and stuff like that, I just did this quiz for fun and I don't mean to offend anyone so don't take this to heart!

I just made this quiz for fun and nothing else! I hope you enjoy this quiz and all that stuff, I don't know what else to put. Have a good day or night!

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Do you get scared easily?
  2. Do you like going alone?
  3. Do you die often?
  4. Do you like doing risky stuff?
  5. Do you like horror games?
  6. How do you feel talking to strangers?
  7. Are you scared of ghosts?
  8. What do you like most about phasmophobia?
  9. What do your friends think of you? (this wont effect the results)
  10. What do you think about yourself?

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Quiz topic: Which person am I in Phasmophobia?
