Would I like you :0 btw this took forever

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I hate yapping this thing is forcing me no ones gonna read this any way I hate this poo poo caca aghhhhhh monkey poop banana fart butt 😼😼😼 w rizz erm what the sigma

Wow what the sigma gyatt is happening here yubshdhdbd j dot I don't know what to put blah blah blah Yap Yao Yap this still isn't enough oh there we go yeahhh that's better

Created by: Erm what the sigma
  1. What style r u
  2. What's your gender
  3. What's the best ship in your opinion
  4. Are you gay
  5. Do you support the gay
  6. Do you like cartoons
  7. Are stuffed animals "childish"
  9. Uh oh uh what's ur fav food
  10. Do you like math
  11. Ok real bye this time BYEEEE

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