How well do you know fnaf 1-8

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Hello welcome to my quiz! I know you probably wont read this because I never do, maybe the first sentence but that's it. Well..uh...enjoy taking this quiz and possibly get rosted!

I don't know what to put here not gonna lie...why do they do these requirements that you have to do😭 If your ever gonna be a quiz creator and or a story creator I suggest starting and STAY on Quovet. It's way better and you don't need all these this is not an add. I hate adds, this is just a suggestion.

Created by: Lyo0ffical
  1. Who created the Fnaf games?
  2. Who are the main four in fnaf one?
  3. Who do you play as in fnaf one?
  4. What happens to phone guy on night four?
  5. What happens to you after Golden Freddy appears
  6. What's the "new kid"s name?
  7. What are the names of the yellow bear and yellow rabbit?
  8. How did purple guy/William die?
  9. What are the name's of the boy that we play as in fnaf 4?(Cannon name)
  10. Underground...
  11. Join us for a bite
  12. What time do you have to survive to in most of the fnaf games?
  13. Who do you play as in fnaf 5, Sister Location?
  14. How did Elizabeth die?
  15. What do you have to type when Lolbit appears?
  16. How many children where at least killed by Purple guy?
  17. What are the two endings in sister location that you can get?
  18. What date did crying child die?
  19. How many children were at least killed by purple guy?
  20. How many forms does purple guy believed to have?
  21. What are the names of purple guys different forms?
  22. Is Mrs.Afton confirmed to possesses Ballora?
  23. Does Mrs.Afton ever appear in the fnaf games?
  24. How many animatronics are there in fnaf 2

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Quiz topic: How well do I know fnaf 1-8
