Short Wolf Role Play

I made this cuz I was bored. Hope you like this quiz! It took me forever. This is my first ever quiz! I hope all the people like it! No hate please!!!

This is gonna be a good quiz...i hope. It probably gonna cringeworthy material by the end of it. Yaaaay! Weeeell I'm tryna use up space sooo yea. Bye!

Created by: Nyaii Meowington
  1. Do you prefer boys or girls? This is crucial to the story
  2. You are wandering around when you feel sudden force on the side of your pelt. You are pushed into the river. You cannot swim. How do you react?
  3. You are soon washed up on grassy land. A female wolf carries you on her back while the other three lead. You wake up. What do you do?
  4. They bring you to their den. Estie is told to retreive some deer carcass for you. She gives it to you and you eat it. A hunter runs in and throws you, Estie, and Rain at the wall and knocks you unconsious. What do you dream?
  5. Estie wakes you up along with the others crownding her. Rain complements your eyes. How do you react?
  6. You all go to hunt. What do you instantly go for?
  7. You go back to the den and you eat. Do you enjoy the meal?
  8. You have a nightmare. Who do you cuddle with? *wink wink*
  9. You wake up and see that you were cuddling with someone. How do you react?
  10. This is the end. I hope you enjoyed. This is my first quiz. Did you like it?

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