Hogwarts Forum Sorting Quiz

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They're forcing me to write a second paragraph. This is nonsense and not needed so you don't have to read it. Why are they forcing me to do this? Someone help pls.

Created by: Lizzy of Hogwarts
(your link here more info)
  1. You need to travel across an ocean to get to another continent in an emergency. How do you choose to travel?
  2. You must drink from one of the following goblets. Which do you pick?
  3. When you are taken to Diagon Alley to buy your school things, which shop do you rush to first?
  4. If you could have any magical power without the use of a wand, which of the following would you pick?
  5. Which of the following would be truly terrifying for you to experience?
  6. Which emotion do you wish you didn't have to feel?
  7. Which area of magic are you most excited to learn?
  8. Where would you be during the Christmas holidays?
  9. Which is your favorite season?
  10. If invited to a party, where would someone find you?
  11. What kind of place would be your ideal vacation?
  12. Which kind of friend archetype are you?
  13. What motivates you?
  14. How do you tend to react when dealing with something stressful?
  15. Some witches and wizards are fans of Pokémon! If you were a pokemon gym leader, which type would you specialise in?
  16. If you didn't have to ever sleep, what would you do with all the extra time?
  17. Which of the following magical locations would you be most likely to visit?
  18. Which of the following really annoys you?
  19. Which hot drink most appeals to you on a cold winter night?
  20. Which area of art inspires you?
  21. Are you an early riser or do you like to sleep in?
  22. Do you get to bed on time or stay up late?
  23. What would be your first move in a duel?
  24. And finally, where will you head to first after you have been sorted?

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