Would I date you? <3

I just want to see if people have the same taste as me and if my taste is lucky or it's normal even if you do not get over 50 you are still an amazing person I hope you know that

Never let anything stop you in life continuous as you wish never let your emotions get the best of you and never like people look down on you make sure you always follow your dreams

Created by: Cr33pyP4st4
  1. What sex are you ?
  2. What is your go to sport
  3. Favourite colour
  4. Date idea
  5. Do you prefer beauty or personality
  6. What are your emotions
  7. Are you willing to help people that are in need of help
  8. Do you like creepypasta
  9. Did You enjoy this quiz
  10. Bye and thank you for visiting my first quiz

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