Are you a real car enthusiast?

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Test your knowledge about cars, learn if you have a good taste on cars and show off your knowledge with your friends! This quiz will test you about cars in any way!

You will be graded out of 5 for your knowledge and taste.DISCLAIMER: This quiz made by one person objectively who is a 6 year experienced car mechanic, answers are completely objective and even-handed, and this quiz does not intend to humiliate or demoralize anyone. Made for entertainment purposes, does not grant any reference or a cerficiate for educational or career benefits.

Created by: Steve
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is your age?
  3. You have limited budget, the car you will buy will be your only car to drive, and you have five car options that you can buy, pick carefully.
  4. You helped an old and rich man, now he offers you to gift you a car for free, it will be your second car but you cannot sell or trade that car, it will be yours forever, which car you select?
  5. What motorsport do you like the most.
  6. Do you know well about car mechanics?
  7. What cars you like most.
  8. Would you like to have a manual or automatic car for daily driving?
  9. Can you drive an automatic car?
  10. Can you drive a manual car?
  11. What type of driver you are? (Select none if you dont drive a car)
  12. Which country makes best cars in your opinion?
  13. Which car brand in this list you love most
  14. What is your priority if you would buy a car?
  15. You bought a car, would you tune & modify your car or not?
  16. What kind of tuning & modification you would like to do to your car? (Select None if you answered No in the last question)
  17. What car type you love the most?
  18. Which one is best in your opinion?
  19. Which year's cars are the most beautiful to you?
  20. What engine types are best for your opinion?
  21. What colors you like on cars most?
  22. What car interior material combo you like most?
  23. What interior color combos you like the most?
  24. How often you wash & clean your car? (Select None if you dont own a car)
  25. Have you ever had your car's body treated with ceramic coating, pasta polish or similar special treatments? If so, how often? (Select none if you dont own a car)
  26. If you like body customization & tuning, what kind of customization you like most?
  27. What kind of car models you like most?
  28. Do you think you are a car enthusiast?
  29. A standard gasoline engine can run without;
  30. Which engine is more fuel efficient?
  31. Are you waiting to drive after you start your cars engine? If you do, how much? (Select none if you dont know how to drive)
  32. What is ABS? What reason it is being used in cars?
  33. Why some cars have spoilers?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real car enthusiast?
