What's your coffee flava?

Not much people love to drink coffee. As lots of them says it taste bitter. Well, its not true, as the taste of coffee depends on which type of brand. But a cup of coffee can express lots about your own personality.

Mocha, Frappuccino, or a quick shot of espresso, your choice of cuppa can say a lot about you! So take the quiz now, to see which cup of coffee form starbucks suits your personality!

Created by: doreen
  1. 1. Time to raid the closet! Yours is filled with:
  2. 2. In your yearbook, you'd win the title of:
  3. 3. The guy of your dreams kind of resembles:
  4. 4. During the holidays, your preferred part time job is...
  5. 5. your friends want you to take part in a TV singing competition, you:
  6. 6. After school, you're normally be found:
  7. 7. Your best subject in school is:
  8. 8. When you step into a new cafe, the first thing you look out for is:
  9. 9. It's the hols! Your destination of choice is:
  10. 10. You're asked by your teacher to head a new CCA. Which CCA are you most likely to go for?

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Quiz topic: What's my coffee flava?