would I be your friend?

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Will I be your friend or not? In this quiz we have a only10 simple questions :3 your score will be based off of how much you are the same to me or my type in a friend, gl ml!

js a silly quiz for you and Your friends to try :3 I will score your test results and let’s see your score! We have some silly questions and yeah GOODLUCKK!!!

Created by: Isa :3
  1. pick a aesthetic
  2. wat your fav colur :3
  3. cats or dogs?
  4. pick something in my room
  5. how old are u?
  6. what do you enjoy doing in free time?
  7. what do you do with family?
  8. do you bully people for their personality??
  9. what would you do if you won the lottery today?
  10. and finally last question :3 what’s your gender?

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Quiz topic: Would I be my friend?
