Which one of my friends are you more like?

There are 4 people you may come out as, see who you have more of the same personality as.. there is 1 really bad person none of us like. so id be careful! but be you.

Idrk what to type here but hi. i’m erica. Mel is my best friend and diamond is sorta my best friend and Laila.. you’ll see. Anyways. Enjoy this quiz of random ass questions

Created by: Erica
  1. If a child came up to you asking for help finding her parents, what do you do?
  2. How much do you know about pokémon?
  3. If someone was trying to kill their self, would you stay up all night trying to save them?
  4. If you didn’t know a answer to a question would you cheat?
  5. What would you do on a sunday morning?
  6. Who is the most mature?
  7. Is supernatural better then reality?
  8. Netflix, Youtube or CW?
  9. sweaters or T-shirts
  10. Pizza on Pineapple? Or not?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my friends am I more like?
