This is part one. You are a Rainwing, (you can choose your name.) This is your first year at Jade Mountain Academy, you are excited to meet a lot of new dragons! (and maybe find sum luv)

Just FYI, the description of Starwaker at the end is wrong, and 'You got yourself!' at the end is supposed to be Adder. This is my first quiz, so sorry if anything is funky.

Created by: Amberwinglet
  1. You walk in to jade mountain acadamy, what is the first thing you do?
  3. YOU START WALKING TO WHEREVER U WERE GOING, BUT A HIVE WING JUMPS IN FRONT OF YOU AND SAYS: "ohhi!i'mDragonfly!ithinkyourinmycaveiknowwhereitisareyoulost?comeoniwillshowyouwhereitis!!!" GRABS YOUR ELBOW AND DRAGS YOU. you think...
  4. Dragonfly takes you to your cave, she says that it's the Amber Winglet and explains that this is their second year including her. She intruduces everyone-the sandwing on the floor reading a scroll is Adder, The Leafwing/Icewing hybrid in the hammock is Cottongrass, The Nightwing on the ledge is Starwaker, The Skywing on the rock is Carmine, The Mudwing in the mudpool is Glade, and the seawing in the corner is Goby. You think...
  5. They all see you. Glade asks "what's your name?"Adder mumbles "great another one"and turns back to his scroll, And Starwaker serenely asks "shall I get us yet another BIGGER cave?" And Cottongrass says back: "That's probably a good idea" "Cool scales, new kid." Carmine says. You say...
  6. The bell for history class rings. "Hi_______, want to walk to history with me? It will take awhile to memorize your classes; I should know." Starwaker says. You...
  7. Whatever you choose, you walk to history class, and you notice Glade, Carmine, and Goby staring at you. You...
  8. History class is over, you go to eat. Adder and Starwaker are fighting over a lizard. "give. it. back. Starwaker, you KNOW I caught it" Adder raises his tail, and Starwaker is poised and ready with his claws out. What do you do?
  9. No matter what you do, they turn and stare at you. Adder gives you the fish "sorry," he says, "I didn't know you were here, I was getting it for you."Starwaker says "well I was ready to FIGHT for you." you thank them for the lizard, and think...
  10. You go to sit down with your lizard, and you see Glade under a tree looking lonely, Goby sadly trying to catch a chicken looking mopey, Carmine crying in the corner, Dragonfly looking at her fish sadly, and Cottongrass looking sad and bored, poking at her pig. who do you sit by?
  11. No matter who you chose they smile and you have a nice conversation. You return to your cave late, and find Glade on your ledge. What do you do?
  12. If you yelled Glade said "Geez, sorry, I didn't know we had assigned beds." And then he moves. Choose one.
  13. No matter what you chose, It worked to your intentions and you drift off to sleep. What do you dream about?
  14. Sorry this was so short. make sure to keep an eye out for part 2!

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