Wings of Fire Jade Mountain Adventure (girls only) Part 1

In this quiz you will go to Jade Mountain as Everest, an IceWing who doesn’t have any friends yet. She is the daughter of Lynx and Winter. You will meet some of my OC’s, who might be the kids of WoF characters like the dragonets of destiny.

There will be a part two to this quiz so keep an eye out for that. There might be some spoilers but only if you haven’t read books 1 through 10. So now I present the quiz!

Created by: Tsunami
  1. “Welcome to Jade Mountain Academy!!” a voice says as you enter the great hall. You look up and see a friendly looking NightWing. “I’m Fatespeaker,” she says. “What’s your name?”
  2. “Ok Everest,” says Fatespeaker. “You are in Gold Winglet. Go down the hall and you are in the fifth cave to the left.” She hands you a scroll.
  3. As you walk into the cave you see a teal and gold SeaWing drawing a picture. “Hi,” she says as she looks up. “I’m Tempest.” You say…
  4. “So you’re Winter and Lynx’s kid, right?” Tempest asks
  5. “Who’s kid are you?” you ask. “Oh,” says Tempest nervously . “I’m Queen Tsunami and King Riptide’s daughter.”
  6. It’s time to meet your Winglet! You and Tempest walk into a room where you see a friendly looking SandWing. “Hi, Tempest, hi, Everest. I’m Sunny! The rest of your Winglet should be here soon.” Then a RainWing/ NightWing hybrid and MudWing/ RainWing hybrid walk in. “Hi, Firefly,” Tempest says to the RainWing/ NightWing hybrid. “Hi!” says Firefly. Then a SandWing and a NightWing walk in. The NightWing stomps around and the SandWing fidgets with his talons. Lastly a SkyWing walks in and sits next to the MudWing/ RainWing hybrid. Who are your first thoughts about? (Btw not everyone here is a result)
  7. “Ok,” says Sunny. “Now that we’re all here we are going to go in a circle and tell everyone about ourselves. Lotus, you start!” The MudWing/ RainWing hybrid says “Um, I’m Lotus. I’m a MudWing/ RainWing hybrid.” The SkyWing goes next. “I’m Amber. I’m also a hybrid. My dad is Clay and my mom is Peril. I’m a firescales but I can control it.” Then Tempest goes. “I’m Tempest. I’m just a SeaWing. My parents are Queen Tsunami and King Riptide.” Then goes Firefly. “I’m Firefly! I’m Queen Glory and King Deathbringer’s daughter!” Then Sunny asks the NightWing to go. “I’m Warseeker,” he says. “Here’s a word of advice. DON’T mess with me.” Then the SandWing goes. “I’m Jackal. I grew up in the desert.” Then it’s your turn. What do you say?
  8. Time for history. On the way there you here something. Do you check it out?
  9. Regardless of what you chose you go anyway. You see Warseeker and Jackal and it looks like Warseeker is threatening Jackal. “I told you, Warseeker,” says Jackal. “I don’t care what you do to me. I’m not going to help you take over Jade Mountain.” “Oh yeah?” says Warseeker. “We’ll see about that. I enchant Jackal to do whatever I say whenever I want.” Then he makes Jackal not say anything to the teachers or anyone. What do you do?
  10. Then Warseeker hears you. “Well, well, what are you doing here?!” He grabs you and Jackal apologizes. Just as he ties you up, someone comes out of nowhere and attacks him. You look and see that it’s a SeaWing. “Come on you two,” he says to you and Jackal. “Let’s go. I’m Carp by the way.”
  11. That night, you get into your cave and Tempest is there. “Where were you?! Are you ok?!” she asks.
  12. “Carp told me what happened,” Tempest says. “He’s my brother. Anyway there’s something that I have to tell you! Warseeker has a crush on you.”
  13. “He left you this note,” Tempest says. You open it. It says, “Don’t trust anyone but me. Especially your clawmate. She has a secret. And let’s just say she could take over Jade Mountain right now if she wanted to. Meet me tomorrow night and I will tell you my plan.
  14. The next night, you sneak out and see Warseeker. “Hi,” he says. “I know Tempest has a secret, I just don’t know what. But it could ruin my plan. So I need you to do something for me. And you know what I can do if you don’t. I need you to kill Tempest.”
  15. Sooo that was the end of part one! Part two will be out soon! The results for this one are which character would be your friend. I’m sorry, but Jackal isn’t an option. He will be next time, though. So basically you are going to get a friend/ love interest as a result. Anyway, did you like the quiz? (This won’t affect results)

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