Why did Matt Olsson delete "The Verse" (for males only)

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This marks the end of "The Verse". We didn't even get to see at least one episode of the show. Hopefully Matt Olsson will feel better and consider returning to the entertainment industry. He just became a music producer, character designer, animator, and screenwriter by the way, not too long ago. It sucks that he is quitting already.

R.I.P. Andrew Zhu (Andy, Andrew, or Andrew William Zhu). R.I.P. Lloyd Chan. R.I.P. Mel Grimson (he/him/his). R.I.P. Elegans the male talking Protobothrops Elegans who can play the trumpet. R.I.P. California Kingsnake (he/him/his). R.I.P. Angry Crows and Crow Sarge. R.I.P. Juice competition judge. R.I.P. Talent show judge. R.I.P. all of Matt Olsson's careers. R.I.P. everyone else in the show

Created by: clyde
  1. First reason
  2. Second reason
  3. Third reason
  4. Fourth reason
  5. Fifth reason
  6. Sixth reason
  7. Seventh reason
  8. Eighth reason
  9. Ninth reason
  10. Tenth reason

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