Who should you vote for in the 2022 midterms?

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Hello there! Are you unsure who to vote for with the midterms less than 2 weeks away? This quiz will help you decide which party you should support. I am conservative but I tried to be as unbiased as possible while making this quiz.

Also, these results may not be completely accurate. There are lots of other great political quizzes on this site, and I encourage you to take a few. Have fun and enjoy!

Created by: Emily
  1. Hi! This quiz is to find out what party you should vote for in the election in 2 weeks. Lets start. What party do you think you most align with?
  2. Ok, now for some specific questions about your political values. Let's start with the economy.
  3. What is causing inflation? Pick the answer choice closest to your opinion on this subject.
  4. How much is the Biden Administration at fault for high gas prices?
  5. All right, now on the subject of crime. Is crime a major issue to you?
  6. Thoughts on gun control?
  7. Ok, now its time for social issues. Is abortion ok?
  8. Thoughts on LGBT?
  9. Who did you vote for in the 2020 presidential election?
  10. Last question. What are your religious beliefs?
  11. Who would you be likely to support in the 2024 presidential election?
  12. Who has been the best president in recent history?
  13. Who is an amazing governor right now?
  14. Who is a HORRIBLE person in Congress right now?
  15. Ok, this is really the last question. Did you enjoy this quiz and will you comment/ rate it?

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Quiz topic: Who should I vote for in the 2022 midterms?