Are you a DeSantis Supporter?

Have you ever wondered if DeSantis is your guy? Decide who to vote for in this DeSantis loyalty quiz! Ron? Donald? Or all those other candidates vying for attention?

If you are a leftist, please don’t complain about this quiz-if you are a leftist, why did you take it? Best of luck with Sleepy Joe. Enjoy the quiz, folks!

Created by: MissouriKansas
  1. What is your opinion on Ron DeSantis?
  2. What do you think of Florida?
  3. Who did you vote for in 2020?
  4. Was the 2020 election stolen?
  5. Should we aid Ukraine?
  6. Which is more threatening to Americans? Woke culture or China?
  7. How committed are you to Conservative politics, with 10 high being very committed?
  8. How important is the battle against Disney?
  9. Do you support a six-week abortion ban?
  10. Was this quiz fun?

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Quiz topic: Am I a DeSantis Supporter?
