Who is your TRUE Harry Potter Soul Mate? (Rare Characters) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Who is your TRUE Harry Potter Soul Mate? (Rare Characters).
Your Result: Kreacher 81% resultYour ideal soulmate would do as you say, but give you some sass first. You met them through an old family friend, and you don't care that they're old and wrinkly.78% Vernon Dursley78% Argus Filch74% Voldemort (fetus)72% Igor Karkaroff72% Dolores Umbridge65% Dementor61% Aragog55% Ron Weasley42% Fenrir GreybackUhh.... WOT?! Actually, I find Kreacher a bit, no, TERRIBLY annoying. Like my little sister.
Haha! I got Ron Weasley twice!
i am
Your Result: Kreacher 80%
resultYour ideal soulmate would do as you say, but give you some sass first. You met them through an old family friend, and you don't care that they're old and wrinkly.
74% Dolores Umbridge
72% Voldemort (fetus)
69% Ron Weasley
61% Dementor
61% Igor Karkaroff
57% Argus Filch
43% Fenrir Greyback
34% Vernon Dursley
0% Aragog -
My favorite questions were 9 and 10, I picked;
The orphan and Crippling anxiety
same lol
I pick the locket and depression
I picked Nagini and crippling anxiety
I picked the locket and crippling anxiety :)
IN the description it said rare carecters and that not always you get main carecters and a happily ever after, but, I GOT RON WEASLEY
I got RON! I was not expecting that!
lucky i got Igor Karkaroff 80%
resultYou've likely got a history of dating sketchy men with unfortunate facial hair. Let your besties know you haven't broken your track record yet.
it sad
lucyblue thats so sad
.......I got kreacher.......just bc I can be mean when u bullie me or others. T.T
igot harry yaaaasss
Harry is not a rare character. This is a lie and unpromising quiz. Visit GinnyWeasley12 quizzes. And will some one tell me how to post more stuff on here besides quizzes or can you not do that? Bye!
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