How Well Do You Know Norse Mythology?

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Do you think you truly know Norse mythology? Do you think you know as much about it as the Vikings? Well, this quiz will test your knowledge so you can find out if you are truly a viking or not!

Hey this is just the same as the first paragraph bc idk what to put here :/ Do you think you truly know Norse mythology? Do you think you know as much about it as the Vikings? Well, this quiz will test your knowledge so you can find out if you are truly a viking or not!

Created by: Ash0NP4WZZ
  1. What material(s) was used to tie up Loki?
  2. What do Odin's crows' names, Huggin and Munnin, mean?
  3. What is the name of the fire giant who wields a fiery sword and waits in Muspelhiem for Ragnarok, where he will destroy everything?
  4. Who's blood was used to make the mead of poetry?
  5. How many nights did Odin hang from Yggdrasil for?
  6. What are the names of the giant Norwegian Forest Cats that pull Freyja's chariot?
  7. True or False, Loki is a member of the Vanir?
  8. True or False, Loki has canonically gotten pregnant?
  9. True or False, Odin was killed by the Midgard Serpent?
  10. Which hand did Tyr lose?
  11. True or False, there is a Norse god names Annubis.
  12. Who broke one of Thor's goats' legs?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Norse Mythology?
