Did you find The Flower?

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Hello and welcome to my world of adventures where weird and wonderful creatures(and potentially gifts) meet you. From mini floods inside a beach cave to a not so friendly frog, this secret world awaits!

Notes: this is only the beginning of many more adventure quizzes so look on the lounge forum for “Splonk the Octopus” were you will be updated for new ones!

Created by: Splonkwillanswer
  1. You’re on a beach and find a tiny cavern. Do you go inside it?
  2. Wow! When you enter the cave, you see a magic flower with a cyan glow. Do you try and get it?
  3. Oh no! Your weight is too much for the cave floor and you tumble downward to an undiscovered part of the cave. What do you do?
  4. As you venture deeper into the cave you find a fork (a path splitting left and right) which way do you go?
  5. The cave goes into shallow water and you need to hold your bag above your head. There’s only one problem, your bag is top heavy.
  6. After you make it past the mini flood, you hear a tiny voice saying “You! Follow my voice and I’ll take you to the exit and maybe the flower!’ Do you follow it?
  7. Once you follow the voice you meet a tiny frog who says his name is Mr Tavern. What do you say to him?
  8. “First of all, the exit is to the right *points to the right tunnel* and second of all you can look but don’t pluck my flower!” And he wanders off.
  9. Just after you pluck the flower he comes back and says calmly”Alright then, you can pick the flower, and only because I watched you all the way and I think you’re worthy.”
  10. The End

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