who is your secret mha sibling?

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hi this is my first quiz and it's telling you about your MHA sibling because I love anime like who doesn't I hope you like this quiz because this I only my first until I forget this website and I spent all day on this quiz... BYE!!

(if you're not an anime fan then you can do this quiz but you won't understand) *starts acting like you*but anyways I really do hate when people hurt my feelings so at least I got my bro/sis!!*stops acting* I'm a natural at acting. Peace & love<3

Created by: Michael Harley
  1. how do you feel about training until sunrise?
  2. what is the hero you hate the most?
  3. who is your fav hero?
  4. what is your fav colour?
  5. who do you ship?
  6. who do you want to be your sibling?
  7. do you like this quiz?
  8. what is your zodiac sign?
  9. what is your favorite food?
  10. what type of sibling do you want?
  11. what is your favorite snack?

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Quiz topic: Who is my secret mha sibling? You can find more quizzes like this one in our My Hero Academia Quiz category.
