Which Riordan-Verse Ship Are You A Child Of?

I did a bunch of genetic research to make this quiz as accurate as possible. I'm sorry if you got the wrong answer but you can always try again! If you don't have a sibling, just do yours over again :)

Also, comment down below if you're also a secret gaygent, there are never too many! >:) *evil laugh* I hope you get solangelo, it's the best ship here in my opinion...

Created by: Secret Gaygent
  1. Do you have dimples?
  2. What basic hair color do you have?
  3. To better clarify, if you have sibling(s), what hair color do they have?
  4. On a scale of 1-10, how dark is your skin compared to other shades of the same tone? (ex: 1-3 = light olive skin/10 = very dark olive skin)
  5. What is your basic eye color?
  6. If you have sibling(s), what is their basic eye color?
  7. Did you like this quiz? (Also, sorry if it's not accurate)
  8. Well, can't let you go yet- you never know where you're going to end up after you choose rebirth sooooo- choose your favorite letter!!!!
  9. Nope, you're still here! Choose your favorite letter!!!! (Again)
  10. Okay, bye!

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Quiz topic: Which Riordan-Verse Ship am I A Child Of?
