How well do you know Black clover? (Easy version)

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Are you an anime lover? Do you love black clover so much? I do! If so, how well do you know the anime? (Easy version) Let's find out shall we? Please don't take this very seriously, the scores can't define how much you love the anime. So don't be bummed. I know everyone will get a perfect score.

If you don't get a high score don't forget the score doesn't represent how much you love the anime. So don't worry! If there are mistakes, I am so sorry! Hope you enjoy and have fun!

Created by: Rusher XD
  1. 1. How many seasons does black clover have? (As of 2022 January)
  2. Who is the captain of the silver eagles?
  3. Who in black bulls is shy to talk?
  4. Who is Magna's best friend?
  5. Who is Asta's rival?
  6. What is Asta's magic power?
  7. Which magic knight squad was Zora's father in?
  8. Who is the prince of spade?
  9. Who loves to eat?
  10. Who is a dwarf?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Black clover? (Easy version)
