Who's Pll Sibling Are You?

So this quiz is based on who's sibling you are. A lot of these questions are random only like 2 questions are related. I really Hope you like this quiz.

It shows their siblings, their parents, their age, their gf/bf, it also shows their first A text. Some other things I forgot to add in the character description was, Jenny's nickname is Little J, Macy's nickname is M, Amy nickname is Am, Blair's nickname is B, and Cami's nickname is Cam.

Created by: Eliza of pll next generation
(your link here more info)
  1. What color hair would you want your hair?
  2. Who is your love interest?
  3. Favorite color
  4. Favorite show?
  5. Favorite Movie
  6. Favorite drink?
  7. Favorite Dinner Food?
  8. Favorite Breakfast Food?
  9. Are you a night owl or Morning Bird?
  10. What's your favorite PLL ship?

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Quiz topic: Who's Pll Sibling am I?
