Who are you in Riverdale?

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Riverdale is a loved and cherished show! Have you ever wondered who you are in Riverdale? Or RIVERVALE LOL. Well, I hope you enjoy my quiz. Like if you enjoyed it!

This quiz is meant to be a positive and fun experience for all, if its not, I am very sorry. Keep in mind, Riverdale is a PG-13 show, so younger kids most likely wont know this and it contains some spoilers. Thank-you!

Created by: Lucy Frederick
  1. Someone is missing what is the first thing you do?
  2. Jasons body was found in Sweetwater river who do you blame?
  3. People follow you around, why?
  4. Have you ever loved someone?
  5. Do you have a strong connection to a family member? Possibly to someone you aren't supposed to?
  6. (Does not affect answers) Why are you taking this quiz?
  7. What is your relationship with your family?
  8. What song most relates to you?
  9. Are you scared of yourself?
  10. Is Riverdale a place of evil?
  11. Last question (No affect)Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in Riverdale?
