Can You Write A Wings Of Fire (WoF) book or series?

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SAVE THE TURTLES! If you can download the app PopJam and follow: ThatRainW_ingDragonet. I hope you know how much you are loved! Enjoy and use your voice!

Created by: DragonGirl310
  1. How much patience have you got?
  2. Do you get ideas easily?
  3. Do you enjoy brainstorming and writing?
  4. Do you like to do it with someone?
  5. Am I boring?
  6. Why are you doing this quiz?
  7. Graphic (pictures) or Words (no pictures)
  8. Pick a character!
  9. Do you write stories already?
  10. And Finally, Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Can I Write A Wings Of Fire (WoF) book or series?
