What Riverdale character are you?

This quiz is all about what character you are from Riverdale .These characters in my opinion are the main characters .If you like this’ll quiz I will do another with some other characters.

Leave comments if you have any suggestions for my next quiz!! It could be about what other characters I should do or about anything else.Make sure to leave comments about how the quiz was and give tips and criticism.

Created by: Katie
  1. Are you an active person?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. Do you participate in any extras in school/work
  4. Are you really close with your family?
  5. What color would you wear out of these?
  6. What are you favourite subjects
  7. Do you call yourself bossy/a leader
  8. What clique do you belong to?
  9. Are you a rule breaker
  10. Do you care about what other people think about how you dress?

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Quiz topic: What Riverdale character am I?
