Who are you in once upon a time?

Have you ever wondered who you are in once upon a time? Well here it is! SOME may be main characters, and some might be non-main characters but hopefully you enjoy none the less.

I made this quiz purely for the fun of it so please be kind to one another and have fun! Please enjoy the quiz and answer the questions honestly! Have fun!

Created by: Lucy Frederick
  1. Someone throws a ball at someone you don't know...What do you do about it.
  2. Someone punches you...
  3. Someone bumps into you...your reaction is:
  4. Lets say your home alone for the weekend and your aloud to do anything you want out of these options
  5. What is your favorite kind of apple?
  6. Someone asked you to a dance
  7. Are you a boy or a girl? (If you are non-binary I am so sorry! There aren't any characters who are so pick other!) This will help you if you want to get a specific gender also.
  8. What is your favorite song?
  9. What emotion do you most relate to?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in once upon a time?
