Which one of the A's characters are you?

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Hi there! You're about to pass the quiz of which one of the A's characters are you, and of course I mean just the 5 main characters, so yeah...good luck :))

Oh and for those who don't know who are the 5 main characters I meant: Lucas, Ayame, Masame, Amaris and Ace, the rest of the characters aren't included here

Created by: Aya
  1. How would you describe your personality in a few words?
  2. What's your favorite genre?
  3. You notice your friend is going through a hard time, what will you do to make him/her feel better?
  4. You are with friends and a person you dislike is invited, how do you act towards this person?
  5. What is school?
  6. Choose one of these colors
  7. What's your fav season?
  8. What's your mbti?
  9. What do you usually do in your free time?
  10. Would you rather be surrounded by people or be alone?
  11. Someone was talking trash about you
  12. How would you describe your fashion style?
  13. You're invited to a party
  14. Choose on of these

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Quiz topic: Which one of the A's characters am I?
