What citizen of Morioh are you? (JJBA)

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In Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, Morioh is a small town full of big personalities, many of which are stand users. Some are friendly, some aren't, but most of them show up multiple times throughout the part.

This quiz focuses on the main cast, along with some of the more defined secondary characters. I only included characters who live in Morioh, so people like Jotaro or Joseph aren't options. Enjoy!

Created by: Josukage Kira
  1. What music do you listen to?
  2. Are you weak or strong?
  3. Your friend is being attacked by someone you aren't sure you can take on. What do you do?
  4. What's your favorite Jojo part?
  5. A stranger does something to offend you. How do you react?
  6. How willing are you to donate money?
  7. How much do you value the lives of others?
  8. You see a door that seems to lead to a house in the wall of a highway tunnel. What do you do?
  9. How much do you rely on your friends?
  10. Do you ever lose to anybody?

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Quiz topic: What citizen of Morioh am I? (JJBA)
