Which JJBA stand are you?

This is for Jojo bizzare adventure fans but disclamer I dont got alot of stands here only seven and they are maily bad guys and side charachters so yes disclamer

This is my first and mabey only quiz so if their is any problomes please dont get angry or dissapointed and if you are dissapointed with the Stand you got and found out my plus and minus givings are innacurat please dont get mad

Created by: Olan
  1. So you gotta stay at home exp. Quaranten, how do you take this?
  2. Which channel do you want to watch on the TV?
  3. You and your buds are hanging around in a random area (dont know where you hang out :\) and it goes quiet
  4. You want a drink you go to the fridge and get yourself?
  5. Fast food time what one is your favourite?
  6. Favourite animal?
  7. Game Genre?
  8. PS4 vs Xbox vs Nintendo
  9. Fav Jojo part? (this dosn't effect your score
  10. Ok now here is the big question?

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Quiz topic: Which JJBA stand am I?
