Which Once Upon a Time character are YOU?

Once Upon a Time, is a TV show that thrills many. This quiz tells you if you were a Once Upon A Time character which one you'd be. Maybe you are them, and you're under another curse... Kidding!

Anyhoo, I really hope you enjoy, because I did put a lot of effort into it. I don't have all the characters, but I have the main ones. Nice day to you and hope you get the character you want!

Created by: Sara
  1. Do you like BUGS?
  2. Good, or bad?
  3. Did you ever love someone?
  4. You're a boy, or girl?
  5. Do you like animals?
  6. What's your idea of happy?
  7. Would you kill someone?
  8. What's your idea of a terrific vacation or freetime?
  9. Are you a believer?
  10. How do friends describe you?
  11. Do you consider yourself a coward?

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Quiz topic: Which Once Upon a Time character am I?
