Which Snow character are you?

Hey, it's quarantine and I got bored. I decided to make this quiz. All of these characters are from my book on Wattpad, ~Snow~. I really enjoyed making this, so hopefully it's fun to take!

There are 12 questions. The first six are sort of based off the book and go through a narrative. The second six are just personal questions about the quiz taker. I tried to be creative. Have fun and take it as many times as you like!

Created by: Julia of My Book Snow on Wattpad
(your link here more info)
  1. You find out that the apocalypse is starting. How do you react?
  2. You're in a post-apocalyptic forest, and see a stranger in the distance. What do you do?
  3. You're given an offer to join an apocalypse survival group. How do you respond?
  4. Somebody new joins your apocalyptic friend group. How do you treat them?
  5. Oh no! One of your group members has been poisoned and is dying on the ground! What do you do?
  6. Rumor has it there's a refuge, but it's a bit of a journey. What do you decide to do?
  7. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
  8. Do you follow your heart or your head?
  9. Would you ever sacrifice your morals for gain?
  10. Somebody accuses you of stealing extra food from the group, which you didn't do. How do you react?
  11. Do you prefer to have many friends, or a few really close best friends?
  12. What's the most important thing in life?

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Quiz topic: Which Snow character am I?
