Do you have visual snow syndrome

What is visual snow syndrome?:Visual snow syndrome is a disorder that causes you to see static. Some describe it as seeing things in a snow globe that's been shaken up. There are flickering dots throughout your field of vision. The “snow” you see may be colorful, black-and-white or transparent.

This is not an official diagnoses if you think you have visual snow syndrome you can take this quiz even if your answer says no you may still have it if you think you do check in with your doctor because it's always good to check hope my quiz can help you

Created by: Sophie
  1. Do you often see static on the walls like it's snowing or like of an old television this can include any color eg:white,black,red etc
  2. Do you have any of the following conditions?
  3. Do you have trouble seeing at night
  4. What happens when you look at the sky in the day time
  5. Do these symptoms happen al! The time
  6. Do you usually have prolonged after images (seeing things after they aren't in the kind of view anymore)
  7. Do you have light sensitivity
  8. Did these symptoms develop in childhood
  9. Are you born with these symptoms or did you get them after a head injury concussion infection or other serious injury
  10. How often do you get headaches or migraines
  11. Do things often move like words as your reading or something else

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Quiz topic: Do I have visual snow syndrome
