What Snow White and the Huntsman character are you?

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Hello fantasy fans! This quiz will determine which character you are from the Snow White and the Huntsman and the Huntsman: Winter's War. You will be asked questions about your personality, your preferences, and what you would tend to lean towards in this fictional world.

There are ten questions in total and six possible character results. Remember, when answering the questions don't just think about the possible characters. Be honest.

Created by: olivebranch99
  1. What is your biggest fear?
  2. What is your weapon of choice?
  3. Do you see yourself more as a leader or a follower?
  4. What are you looking for in a romantic partner?
  5. Pick a mystical creature
  6. Pick a location
  7. Pick a song
  8. Pick a Disney movie
  9. Which dwarf are you most likely to be friends with?
  10. Finally, pick a huntsman

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Quiz topic: What Snow White and the Huntsman character am I?
