Which singer are you?

There are many people who loves to know which singer they are or does the charecter that they have they favorite celebrity has if you wanna know take this test

Which singer are you? Do you think you are your favorite singer if you wanna know which singer you are take this test to find it out i will take just a few minutes

Created by: Sirvan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like LGBT ? (lesbian , gay , bisexual , transgender)
  2. Do you like LGBT ? (lesbian , gay , bisexual , transgender)
  3. Do you follow fashion
  4. What type of music do you like?
  5. Do you like to have the attention of people?
  6. Do you like doing bad things(using drugs ...)?
  7. If you want something do you try your best or just leave it?
  8. Do you like having fun with who?
  9. Which song is your favorite?
  10. Did you like the test?

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Quiz topic: Which singer am I?