Which Sillys Playhouse Character Are You?

Oh hi there ! Just take the quiz lol idk what to add here VVVVVVVVVV :VV lmk if you have any questions!! You can DM me on Pinterest if you’d like! Anyways enjoy the quiz!

Again, idk what to add here so pls enjoy this quiz I made!! Follow me on Pinterest! @ Foxy_Moonlight / DreamArt . Maybe dm me if you have any questions:)

Created by: DreamArtQuiz
  1. Hello! Are you exited to be here?
  2. Pick a shape!
  3. What’s your favorite color?!
  4. Ok,, now pick a place to rest!
  5. What are your fears?
  6. If you were a monster,, what would you use to kill?
  7. How dangerous do you think you are?
  8. Pick a song:
  9. Which animal listed is your favorite ?
  10. Best Aesthetic listed?
  11. This is the end of the quiz!! Bye!!

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Quiz topic: Which Sillys Playhouse Character am I?
