Which Melting Stars Role Are You In?

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I rlly hope u enjoy this quiz! I have an RP/Roleplay of it on Pinterest if you are interested in joining! (My Pinterest: @Foxy_Moonlight / •GhostlyDream•)

I rlly hope u enjoy this quiz! I have an RP/Roleplay of it on Pinterest if you are interested in joining! It is fun and for ages 10+ ! Remember, there are 5 Tribes! :D

Created by: Foxlight!
  1. Hello! Are you exited to take this quiz?!
  2. First, what is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite human food?
  4. Pick one:
  5. Favorite time?
  6. Halfway through this quiz! How do you feel about that?
  7. What is your favorite animal?
  8. Favorite emoji listed?
  9. Let Fate decide.
  10. Bye!! (Doesn’t affect score)

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Quiz topic: Which Melting Stars Role am I In?
