Find out your godly parent

There are 7 questions and each of them are geared to a Olympian. Have fun give me ideas about what I should do next. I'm thinking about doing one about the Odyssey.

Have fun and copy questions if you want to please follow me on Pinterest I'm trying to get 100 and I'll do something fun. My personal favorite Olympian is Poseidon.

Created by: Duke Tyler of @dtyler
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. Who is you favorite Pjo character.?
  3. What are your hobbies.
  4. What is your choice of weapon.
  5. Where would you be at camp
  6. What is your favorite spirit animal
  7. What is your Zodiac signs
  8. What is your favorite place
  9. Favorite element
  10. What is your personality

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Quiz topic: Find out my godly parent
