Which Olympian Is Your Godly Parent?

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Awesome! Now that you have taken the quiz to see if you are even possibly a demigod or not, and you've gotten to Camp Half-blood, you probably want to know who your parent is.

Just take these 12 simple questions, and we will find out whether your Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, or maybe your something a little less powerful, like Athena, Ares or Demeter! Have fun and enjoy.

Created by: Alicia
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you think your godly parent is male or female?
  3. Which animal?
  4. Which sounds like a lot of fun?
  5. How do you rank in your group of friends?
  6. Do you think you are powerful?
  7. How would people describe you? (Even if it's not how you describe yourself)
  8. How would you describe yourself?
  9. Say you are being attacked by monsters. You are leading the fight. How do you feel about leading it?
  10. Same scenario, but your friend is in danger. But at the same time, you yourself is in danger. What do you do?
  11. Okay, back to real questions... Weapon of choice?
  12. Last one... Who do you think you will get? (This hardly effects your result) *ANSWER HONESTLY*

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Quiz topic: Which Olympian Is my Godly Parent?
