Who is your godly parent? (PJO/HoO)

This quiz is about finding who your godly parent is! The options are: Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Hades.

I also have another quiz with Iris, Nemesis, Kronos (don’t ask), Khione, and Dionysus; and also character quizzes for PJO and HoO. And a RiordanVerse quiz. Be honest. Please. We don’t need more Stolls cheating in our quizzes.

Created by: ChildOfHades_714
  1. (I know, I know, everyone hates this part) Favorite color? If it’s not here, look at the next question.
  2. Favorite color?
  3. Choose a weapon
  4. (Will barely change score) Pick a god
  5. Choose again
  6. Favorite demigod?
  7. Another demigod?
  8. Who are you?
  9. Choose a place.
  10. Choose another place
  11. What activity do you do the most?
  12. What other activity?
  13. Pick a Riordanverse series
  14. Pick a food (YES IT MATTERS…… a tiny bit)
  15. Another food…

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Quiz topic: Who is my godly parent? (PJO/HoO)
