Are you more like Callie or Marie?

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Welcome to my quiz! Itโ€™s my first one, so I hope you enjoy it! Are you more like the bubbly, energetic Callie (aka pink woomy) or the sarcastic, calm Marie (aka green woomy)? Letโ€™s find out!

The pictures are not mine, and I ran out of questions at the end lol, but I think itโ€™s pretty good, I hope you feel the same way. Please share it with your friends, and follow me on Pinterest at Big_marieFan! Enjoy!

Created by: Alex
  1. Which weapon class do you main?
  2. Fav color?
  3. Dogs or cats?
  4. Rainy or sunny?
  5. Food type?
  6. Who do you want?
  7. Ok sry 4 the short quiz, please donโ€™t bother reading all of the descriptions for the answers I put in a story to make it long enough lol.
  8. Im out of questions :l
  9. Uhโ€ฆ
  10. Bye for real now lol

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Quiz topic: Am I more like Callie or Marie?
