Which MTH Rebooted character are you?

I decided to make a MTH Rebooted quiz, because why not? So, I did. Each answer impacts how close you are in comparison to each character. Don't worry, they all don't help MTH.

It's probably pretty bad. It took me about an hour to make this, and half of it was obnoxious filler. Thanks a lot, website. But here it is. I know, no one asked for it.

Created by: MTH
  1. What do you like to do in your free time?
  2. What is your favorite video game out of these?
  3. Sans: how do you feel about undertale?
  4. MTH: What's your favorite meme of 2018 so far?
  5. Which theme song would you use out of these?
  6. Who would you NOT fight out of these?
  7. Grayscale asks if you want to watch Doctor Who with him. Do you accept?
  8. Anne feels like her fanbase is slightly obsessive. Do you agree?
  9. Deep: Me me big boy.
  10. This quiz could have used more work.

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Quiz topic: Which MTH Rebooted character am I?
