Which Lainey are you?

Howdy! My name is Lainey Broussard, and I'm currently applying for BSC. The application requires that I create an ad about myself, so I created this quiz to promote myself.

After you finish taking the quiz, it will tell you which Lainey you are most like. It will hopefully help you gain a better understanding of who I am and highlight the different aspects of my life. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: Lainey Broussard
  1. Your idea of a relaxing afternoon includes:
  2. Going off to school, what was your main priority?
  3. Your friends often call you:
  4. You would describe yourself as:
  5. If you could bring one thing to a deserted island, what would it be?
  6. What's on your bucket list?
  7. You have a plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where are you going?
  8. Which Barbie are you?
  9. Pick a meal:
  10. What do you want to be when you grow up?

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Quiz topic: Which Lainey am I?
