Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

This quiz is nothing in the Vastness of space. This is my humble attempt to promote science into the world.If you have any complaint about my quiz, please comment it

Created by: Particle
  1. What percentage of universe is dark matter?
  2. What process produces a star's energy?
  3. What temperature known as absolute zero?
  4. Who proposed that black holes evaporates ?
  5. How often does the Sun's magnetic field flip?
  6. Does sound travel faster in space?
  7. What is the biggest thing known to man?
  8. What type of galaxy is the most common in the universe?
  9. How many terrestrial planets are in the solar system?
  10. What is the most common type of star found in the Milky Way?

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