How much do you know about the Six-Day War?

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This quiz asks students to review the information they learned about Israel this year. I hope they learned a lot. Israel. Passionate. Afula. Tel Aviv. Haifa. Ramat Gan. Holon. Netanya. Jerusalem.

This is the quiz I created but hopefully, students will create their own quizzes also. Also. students will create their own quizzes also. My kids will create their own kahoots also. I love this class. They are fun and creative and they make me smile and love coming to school.

Created by: Rabbi Amanda
  1. How long was the 6-day war?
  2. Who started the fighting?
  3. Who was the president of Egypt at the time?
  4. Who was the prime minister of Israel at this time?
  5. What did Nasser say that caused Israel to fight?
  6. What was Israel's first action?
  7. In what year was the Six-Day War?
  8. Where is the West Bank? (Also know as Sumeria and Judea)
  9. Which area was extremely important for Israel at that moment in time?
  10. Did Nasser close the Straits of Tiran?
  11. Who signed a defense pact with Egypt?
  12. How did Israeli planes not get hit constantly?
  13. Which peninsula did Israel win?
  14. Why did Israel start fighting with Jordan?
  15. Who was Israel's Minister of Defense during this war?
  16. What city did Israel capture in this war?
  17. Why is the Golan Heights so important to Israel?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the Six-Day War?
