Which "Barbie life in the dreamhouse" character are you?

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I'm sure we all are familiar with the iconic Barbie franchise. I'm really excited to share my version of "Which Barbie life in the dreamhouse character are you?. Hope you like it!

This quiz was carefully based on the episodes of the show Barbie: life in the dreamhouse. The results include the characters: Barbie, Skipper, Stacie, Chelsea, Teresa, Nikki, Raquelle, Midge and Summer. It contains 17 questions with each having an effect on the quiz results. Thanks for trying my quiz.

Created by: her_pulse
  1. How would you spend a beach day?
  2. How would you spend a rainy day?
  3. What is your style like?
  4. If you were a color, which one would you be?
  5. If you could have one superpower, which one would you pick?
  6. What's your ideal vacation spot?
  7. If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring one thing, what would you bring?
  8. What's your dream job?
  9. Choose a pet:
  10. Now choose a favorite activity:
  11. How big is your wardrobe?
  12. What's your favourite dreamhouse feature?
  13. What would you do to help plan pool party in the dreamhouse?
  14. Barbie invited you to a sleepover, what are you doing?
  15. Barbie is having a bad hair day, what's your reaction?
  16. It's game night and you're loosing every game. How do you feel?
  17. What would you do if it suddenly snowed in Malibu?

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Quiz topic: Which "Barbie life in the dreamhouse" character am I?
