Which Character Are You From FRIENDS? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Character Are You From FRIENDS?
Which character are you from FRIENDS?
Your Result: PheobeYou are a good friend, and you know how to make people laugh. You never try and get sympathy for yourself, because you are not at all selfish. you are creative and it is never boring when you're around. It IS ok to get miserable once in a while though!
ChandlerWow, I took the quiz before and I got Pheobe, and yet, I KNOW most of the answers I chose were different!..But, I do love her, she is my all time fave!
Which character are you from FRIENDS?
Your Result: Rachel 90%you are creative, and are a fun friend, you are often funny, but not so funny that it is weird. You have a good heart, but sometimes you say the wrong thing, try your best to do what is right, and not what is easy.
86% Pheobe
76% Chandler
65% Monica
51% Ross
50% Joey -
Which character are you from FRIENDS?
Your Result: PheobeYou are a good friend, and you know how to make people laugh. You never try and get sympathy for yourself, because you are not at all selfish. you are creative and it is never boring when you're around. It IS ok to get miserable once in a while though!
Rossso true, love the quiz O FRIENDS!!!!!!!TEEHE E!!!!!!!!!!
Your Result: Pheobe 90%
Yo u are a good friend, and you know how to make people laugh. You never try and get sympathy for yourself, because you are not at all selfish. you are creative and it is never boring when you're around. It IS ok to get miserable once in a while though!
Your Result: Rachel
you are creative, and are a fun friend, you are often funny, but not so funny that it is weird. You have a good heart, but sometimes you say the wrong thing, try your best to do what is right, and not what is easy.
thats awsome..she is my favortite character, haha
HAHAHAHAHA thats sooo funny that i got phoebe cause everyone says i run like her because im soooo slow lol but i look like whoever jennifer aniston plays mymom says
Chandler Bing
I've always known I was a Phoebe; we even have the same career haha
Phoebe, Yeah that's about right
hannm1 -
i got Monica.I love the movie friends!cool quiz and i LOVE the character Monica!she is pretty and really nice.
Marty1 -
Chandler, I can kinda see it :P
I'm Phoebe
Good I got joey 86% because I'm a guy.
Rachel 76% phew! :3kent691 -
funniest people alive
chandler 92 % hell yeah
hurrcan1 -
Lol fun quiz
I got Ross xD
Ciel1 -
I GOT PHEOBE I COULD HAVE SWORN if i got JOEY i would have screamed...hes kind good looking though
yay i got rachel even tho i wanted MONICA OH COME ON I EVEN LOOK LIKE HER WHY I TELL U WHY but enyways at leats joe proposed to me and then ross wants me back man i am loved heheh
razhan1 -
F___k ..Am I the only guy here? O_o
kent691 -
F___k ..Am I the only guy here? O_o
kent691 -
I got Rachel!!!!!!!!!! I love her!!
Ok then....
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